Yesterday I had one of the weirdest days of my life. It was Monday August 26, 2008. I got up around 8:30 AM to drive Annie to work.
A little background. On Saturday, I finished moving out of my apartment. The storage unit was open for only a few hours on Sunday so the car had lots of things in it. It was completely packed from Saturday night until Monday morning. So we get to the car around 8:45 AM and there is a massive spider web in the passenger seat. One of my guitars was in that seat. The web was connected to the guitar case, the rear view mirror, and the passenger door. It was a huge web but we could not find the spider at all.
So I get Annie to work and while she leaves, I get out the car to remove the web and, hopefully, the spider. I remove the web and find the spider curled up on the black part of the mirror. It starts moving toward me. It runs on its web toward the passenger door and rests on the edge of the door and the wind shield. I find a piece of paper and smash it into the spider several times until the paper has a brownish liquid on it.
Ahh. It's dead. So I proceed to the storage unit to unload the car. After 30 minutes of moving, lifting, packing, repacking, and organizing, I get back to the car to remove the body. I flick at it with a new piece of paper found on the ground of the parking lot. I get the body loose and it falls toward me, still connected to its web. For an instant, I feel that it is still alive and coming at me. But it is not to be. It just dangles lifelessly from its silk web.
I'm feeling a bit rattled and very sensitive to itches and feelings on my skin. So how do you relax that feeling? I thought the best idea was to get someone else into the car so they could make sure there were not more spiders hiding. An oil change was necessary so I went directly to Jiffy Lube. Now the oil is changed and I feel comfortable about being in the car.
Crisis averted. Now onto more important things. Building a shelf for the closet. Home Depot will help. I head to the location on N. Halsted. I've always been a fan of Home Depot but this visit was different. I head for the lumber section and get some attitude from an employee. I ask him for help and he replies "With what?" Like he is too good for me or something. Super annoying. So it turns out you have to to saw your own lumber because they have no room for a power saw. Wow. What the hell? I spend the next 30 minutes cutting pieces of wood for the shelf.
So I finally get home and get started on the shelf. A few minutes after starting, a maintenance man knocks on the door. The question he asks is in some broken English. Is your bathtub OK? I thought that it was fine because it was draining fine the night before. Well, I had no clue what the hell I was talking about. He came right in and took a look. It was about 6 inches full of some green liquid. No clue what it was but the same problem was happening next door. The maintenance guy heads back over the apartment next door for the next hour or so. He must have been banging and clanking and screwing and doing whatever else he thought was necessary to stop the problem.
Well the problem did not go away. It was the opposite, in fact. The bathtub filled higher and higher and it came up from the drain and out of the backup drain. But it's not just liquid. I am disgusted to say that it was some solid, too. The same was true for the toilet. That's right. It was coming right back up at us after we sent it down. After coming close, the water receded. It was a close call. But it was not over. After coming close and going down, and coming close again and going back down again, it was up for good and I mean overflowing out of the toilet and getting dangerously close in the tub. I immediately grabbed a towel and put it under the door and closed the door to prevent it from coming out of the bathroom. This was a nightmare situation.
"That smell, Bob, is our shit."
After overflowing for about 10 minutes, it stopped. But the water was still standing in the bathroom. Another maintenance man came and started cleaning it up. He had a hose with a pump that went right out the window and onto the roof!? He got the toilet empty and most of the tub. The rest of the tub was to be fixed with a shop vac. The other, original maintenance man came back with that and they both starting vacuuming. The back end of the shop vac starting leaking and spraying out onto our bed and the suitcases and clothes we had nearby. I yell at them to stop. I just shake my head. Idiots. Ten minutes later, half a bottle of 409 later, and a bunch of wet towels later, the bathroom is ok to use. The last guy leaves, telling me that I can use it. Oh man. This was a 6 hour affair. It was a long ass day and I didn't even get paid for it.
One day after recovering from that episode, I am ready to get back to the Up and Down. Wednesday, I am back.