Re: Music

The common theme that runs through these three examples and throughout most of the music on my iPod is that it's really good, well written, creative, new music.
I recently went on a trip to upstate New York. One of the most popular styles of music among the locals and among the people I was with was country music. The music has a long history. It's origins in the 1920s to the 1950s and 60s with Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley to the 70s and 80s with Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson. Somewhere along the line, country music lost its quality.
(Check out the cowboy pictures - why are they wearing cowboy hats? Do any of them actually use them for their true purpose? They wear them to say 'hey, i'm country'. And that's lame.)
The music nowadays is not good. I do not find any pleasure in listening to country music today. The artists I speak of include Garth Brooks, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson and Toby Keith. For one, I cannot get over the voices. The way they sing is not the way they talk. There is no emotion in their delivery. They just sing with a made up twang. They all sound similar too. Second, the poor quality of the actual music. They don't seem to try new ideas. They write simple songs that don't feel creative or new. Finally, the lyrics. I cannot get over the poor quality of the lyrics. One example from this past weekend is a song by Alan Jackson. It's called "Good Time". The point of the song is this...He is tired from a long work week and wants to go out and have a good time. Simple enough. Here are some of the lyrics...
Work, work all week long
Punchin’ that clock from dusk till dawn.

Countin’ the days till Friday night
That’s when all the conditions are right.
For a good time
I need a good time.
Yea, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time
I cashed my check, cleaned my truck
Put on my hat, forgot about work
Sun goin’ down, head across town
Pick up my baby and turn it around
Good time,
Aahh, I need a good time
I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
Time for a good time
Someone tell me where in this example do you find something better than anything any of us could have written. I want to see it. I could have written these lyrics blindfolded. Let's look at an example from Radiohead....
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Just as you take my hand
Just as you write my number down
Just as the drinks arrive
Just as they play your favourite song
As your bad day disappears
No longer wound up like a spring
Before you've had too much
Come back in focus again
The walls are bending shape
You got a cheshire cat grin
All blurring into one
This place is on a mission
Before the night owl
Before the animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you're comatose
Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the notes
The beat goes round and round
The beat goes round and round
I never really got there
I just pretended that I had
Words are blunt instruments
Words are sawn off shotguns
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Before you run away from me
Before your lost between the notes
Just as you take the mic
Just as you dance, dance, dance
A Jigsaw falling into place
So there is nothing to explain
You eye each other as you pass
She looks back and you look back
Not just once
and not just twice
Wish away your nightmare
Wish away the nightmare
You got the light you can feel it on your back
[A light,] you can feel it on your back
Your jigsaw falling into place.
How can anyone say that the first set of lyrics are superior to the second? The great thing about using a Radiohead example is that the lyrics are secondary in their mind. The write such great music, the lyrics aren't even the focus of the song. Another example from Jay-Z...
The year is '94 and in my trunk is raw
In my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin law
I got two choices yall pull over the car or
Bounce on the devil put the pedal to the floor
Now i ain't tryin to see no highway chase with jake
Plus i got a few dollars i can fight the case
So i...pull over to the side of the road
And i heard "Son do you know why i'm stoppin you for?"
Cause i'm young and i'm black and my hats real low
Do i look like a mind reader sir, i don't know
Am i under arrest or should i guess some mo?
"Well you was doin fifty five in a fifty four"
"Liscense and regestration and step out of the car"
"Are you carryin a weapon on you i know alot of you are"
I ain't steppin out of shit all my papers legit
"Do you mind if i look round the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the back
And i know my rights so you gon' need a warrent for that
"Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?"
"Or somebody important or somethin?"
Nah i ain't pass the bar but i know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"Well see how smart you are when the K-9's come"
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
These are some of the best lyrics around. He writes such great stories.
Many times, when I am critical of country music, people ask why. I tell them some bullshit like I just don't like it and can't distinguish the voices. The truth is different. Here is the truth: I believe country music is, in every way you can imagine, inferior to other types of music. And those who listen to it exclusively are less intelligent than those who listen to other music exclusively. Yes, I just said that. But why? Is it that those who listen to country music just don't enjoy music as much as others? It's possible. I know many people who don't really put much stock into music as a whole. I know a few people who listen to country are in this boat. Maybe the fans of country music just want some fun music to listen to. They aren't interested in anything too deep. They want music to sing and dance to and that's it. To each his own, but I do believe you are inferior.