
Worst session ever...

I just had the worst poker session of my life. It was actually about a week ago. I got to the casino at about 3pm and played in the 4/8 game for about 2 and half hours. I was up 9 bucks when I left. I got into the tournament that started at 6. After about 3 hours of play, I busted in 15th. I wasn't too mad at what had happened. It was alright. I know I can win that tournament at some point.

Here comes the good stuff. I got in the 4/8 game right after I busted in the tournament. Two hands stick out in my mind. They put me on tilt more than I have ever been. The first was this hand where I had 77. I made it 8 to go becasue I don't want any donkey's playing shit hands against me. Well, I got two callers. The flop came K103. I still had the sevens and bet out 4 dollars. This time I get one caller. The turn is an Ace. I check, he checks. River is a rag. I check, he checks. He shows K3o. Is that unbelievable or what? Who could be playing these trash hands? I was about to find out how bad these players are. A few hands later...I have 44 and just limp. Finally, I flop a set. The flop was 4KJ. I was in the driver seat. Finally. I bet and get two callers. The turn is the Ah. There are now 3 hearts out, so I slow down and check. The guy next to me makes it 8 and the girl across the table calls. I make it 3 more because that's all I have. The guy completes the bet and the gurls calls. The river is a 10. The two other people check and I show my set, the guy next to me shows a J4o, 2 pair and the girl shows a Q8o. !!!!!!! Yea, I was absolutely livid and just got up and left. I could not believe that that had happened to me. AAAAHHHHH....until next time.

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