

I guess this has to be 9 in a row.  But it doesn't feel like it.  Today was a long day of garbage.  My AA lost to K5.  I had AJ and turned two pair but lost to a set.  I held my losses to a minimum which is good.  Actually I didn't leave down at all.  I left with more than I came with...barely.  

Ah, so I could not do anything.  This table had about 10 chops today.  It was unreal.  No one was playing anything and that made it real tough to get any chips. 

My first hand of the day was K7.  I had 7's full and the lady had only Ace high.  I almost had to lay it down after she bet $50 on the river.  Whoa.  

I'm tired and today was lame.  Tomorrow, though.  That's where it's at.

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