
:( or :)

I'm not sure what to think of today.  I was even on the day but I had like 5 sets.  I look back on the day and can't find out how I only broke even.  There was one hand I lost a good chunk of money on and if not for that hand, I would have been up about 120.  Here is that hand.  

I was in the CO with the 67h.  There was one small raise to 6 and 3 callers.  I make the call and the flop comes...

4h 8d 9c.  There is a 10 dollar bet from the initial raiser and I make the call.  We go heads up to the turn...

9h falls on the turn.  Now, the original raiser checks and I, with my straight and flush draw, bet 15.  He now min raises me to 30.  Hmm?  I call.  

River comes 5c.  I hit my hand.  The good, hidden way - not the flush and it's the nut straight.

So now he leads out for 75.  WOW.  What in the?  Wow does he have a bare 9?  An overpair?  I was not sure but I knew he had to have something.  Next question.  Is there a spot for a raise?  I decided no, a raise would not be good.  I don't beat tons of things and I knew this guy to be a bit tricky.  He also threw in that min raise at me on the turn.  I decide to call the 75.  He shows me? 

It's a tough spot and it makes sense.  Can I fold there?  Daniel?  Can I?

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