
Perfect, Perfect

Biggest donk of all time.  Seriously. Not a joke.  He had his stack up to 800+ and after about 4 hours, he had to rebuy for 200.  An hour or so after that he was about to around 300.  I was near 300, too.  I was waiting to snap him off when I got the perfect chance.

I find 9h9d in the small blind and decide to just call.  The flop is Qh 2c 9s.  Lock.  I check and donk bets and there is one caller.  I raise.  Donk calls.  Other folds.  Turn is a 5h.  I check again.  No draw at all on board.  He bets 20 and I raise to 80.  He calls rather quickly.  I have him on some Q like Q10 or something of the like.  The river is the Qd.  I move in my 180 left.  He insta-calls  and shows Q5.  On the flop, he was 1.3% and on the turn he was 4%.  He stacked me and now I'm considering quitting poker.

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