
Sit on It

I find 8h8c in MP and limp.  There are 4 limpers and the BB, Ron makes it 7.  BB calls, EP calls, I call and BTN calls.  Five take the flop.  The pot is 35.  

Flop comes Qc 3c 8h.  Check Check Check, I bet it.  I bet 20.  The BTN calls and everyone else folds.  The pot is 75.  

The turn is the 4d.  I bet 45 this time.  BTN calls again.  

The river is the 7c.  I bet again.  60 this time.  He calls. He said he had AQ.  A nice sized pot.

Another pot involved Ron on the SB again.  There was a straddle and I raised to 17 with the AdKc.  It folds to Ron in the SB and he raises another 25.  So he makes it 42 total.  It's back to me and I really am thinking about it.  Ron is a tight weak player.  I often bet him off hands and he goes away quietly.  For me to see him raise out of position told me that he had a hand.  

I thought of all the options.  I thought it would be OK to fold.  I was in position and I had a pretty big hand so I decided that it wasn't worth a fold here.  While I was thinking about it, Ron showed me his stack size, seemed kinda loose and feeling alright. He put his chips in front of his cards and counted them down, telling me he was willing to go all the way with it.  After he counted it down, he got a little uncomfortable.  I'm not sure what it was...not so willing to put his chips in.  So I thought a raise might be the right choice.  If he has AA or KK, I'm dead but anything else, I'm OK.  I ended up calling.  I was in position and I thought he had a pair but I would have two overs.  Plus, he is weak tight and I might be able to get him to fold something.  

The flop comes 8c 10c 5d.  Ron checks.  ??  I thought he had a pair but why would he check?  Could he have 99?  Seemed unlikely.  Maybe he had JJ or QQ.  I couldn't really figure it out.  I knew I had two overs.  So, I bet the rest of his money, 84.  He insta-calls.  He shows down 10h 10d.  EEk.  A huge hand.  Turn is the 7c and river is the 9c.  My flush kills a set.  A 5.15% comes back from the dead to take down the pot.

Here is the question.  Does anyone actually think in the course of the decision on the flop that you have the back door flush draw?  I did and I'm not sure if it's a waste of time or not.  

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