
How about a blog?

So I have been avoiding blogging because I've been getting run over lately. I mean hard. Get hit by a car type of running over.

I had A8 against AA on a board of A82
I had JJ on a board of QJQ and lost to KQ when a K spiked.
I had second nut flush with J8h on a board with the Ah and Kh.
I had JJ on a board of Jh10c9h8h.
I had 89d on a board of 10d Jh 5d 3h Qc.

And now on the other side of it all, I had two set of Jacks today.  One was a double up and the other was  a big pot.  I also raised with 35s and flopped 246.  Sickening.

So what is poker?  What's it all about?  I've been doing this for 5 months now and wow, what a roller coaster.  I have had some crazy swings.  And the thing is, I didn't have any swings for the first month, my best month.  It was the month of 16 winning sessions in a row.  I would love to make a run like that again.  I could not agree more with the saying that playing poker for a living is a hard way to make an easy living.  I mean that is truth.  This is no walk in the park.  I have been hit in the face with some tough situations.  I have been on the highest of highs and more recently the lowest of lows.  I lost 3 buyins in one session just last week.  It was brutal.  I was in the most unlucky of spots.  

I am not sure if this is true but I think playing 9 handed does something to poker.  I have been a lot less consistent since switching to the Horseshoe, where they play 9 handed only AND, probably more importantly, have better players.  But having better players cannot explain everything because I still consider myself the best player at my table at any given time.  I have just taken some brutal beats.  

Perseverance and mental toughness is something you must have to player poker.  There was this guy at the table today who was livid, and I mean LIVID, every time something bad happened to him.  Imagine being in the BB and having the guy next to you straddle.  This made him livid.  Imagine having to fold after you limp because someone raised.  This made him livid.  I raised once and he folded while showing only his middle finger to the table.  He must have rebought 5 times and everytime he lost he mumbled 'son of a bitch' under his breath, threw his cards into the muck, punched the felt, and had the greatest look on his face.  He was obviously the biggest donk ever 3.0.  I kept laughing.  It was extremely amusing.

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