Friday 4/17/09 Las Vegas
Onto Friday. We woke up around 9:30 and got ready. I was showered and playing craps/drinking at 10:30. We started the day just like we ended the night before. I lost $165 in that craps game. After sick of getting run over, we decided to meet up with the guys who had just gotten in. They were, appropriately, at Chipotle. Nice start, guys.

I got a slice of pizza and the 20 of us headed to The Venetian. We were awkwardly standing in the middle of nowhere. The two Jake''s put bets on one spin of the roulette wheel and both lost. Nice one guys. They all started to move on while we stayed and got a hot hand in a game of roulette. I started to get my 'black overs' after I started crushing. I went on a run and won a few hundred. We were trailing them. We went to Treasure Island and the same happened. We won at both craps and roulette. Big Jake kept calling Ben 'Chuck Norris'. We still aren't sure why. Ben was still deep in the hole. Not good. By this time, it was around 4 pm. We had some Blues hockey to check out so we went to the

sports book at Caesar's Palace. There we sat for about 4 hours. The games were not going well. We had a 4 team parlay with Blues over Canucks, Dodgers over Rockies, D'backs over Giants, and Tigers over Mariners. It might have been the worst parlay in history. We were losing all of our bets. The Dodgers came back and won but that was our only win of the 4. Sad. While we watched in defeat, we ate some good burgers from the food court nearby. You just walk toward the big chandaleer and go right. Perfect directions. The games ended and we got out of there. By this time it was around 8 pm. We hung out and gambled a bit til around 10:30. Somewhere in here, we went back to Bobby's Room and saw Doyle Brunson and Allen Cunningham. I loved it. I was star struck. I wanted to take a nap before we went out. I went on a bathroom rant about the book club we were with. We were real tired so Pat called it a night and Ben and I went to meet up with Tim. We made it to Planet Hollywood and Paris. There was a piano player at PH and then we gambled at Paris while Tim, Rob, and Cooley bailed on us, mid gamble, mid waiting on cocktail. Lame. We got home around 1 am and called it a night. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.
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