
Stefan Lessard = PF Flyers?

In preparation for the marathon the last two years, I have run along Lake Michigan. I usually run from the North Avenue bridge down to Navy Pier and back. During the grind of the training process, I sometimes, on occasion, slack off. So where can I find motivation?

Enter Stefan Lessard. On September 26, Dave Matthews Band played a show in Tinley Park, IL. The next day, they had an off day. @SLessard posted a pic of his off day. Here is the link to that picture. I stalked my Twitter account and saw this picture 3 minutes after it was posted. I thought my Twitter account would finally pay off. All this stalking, all these celebrities, all this creepiness would finally pay off. I thought it was finally my chance to meet a member of my favorite band. Talk about motivation! I immediately threw my shoes on and headed over to the lake.

While running, I looked at everyone with a different eye. My usual straight forward stare was absent. I had to look at the face of every individual to make sure it wasn't Fonz. After I got down to Navy Pier, I checked my watch and saw that my split was 3 minutes faster than normal. I flew. I didn't stop for water. I didn't feel like I needed to stop moving. I just wanted to run. Too bad I didn't see Fonz. I honestly don't think I was prepared to see him or anyone from the band. I didn't even think of what I would say until I was already out there. Even so, I wish it would have happened. Definitely a highlight of the summer. I stopped at the spot he took the picture from. That was cool enough.

What if I had the chance to see a celebrity every time I ran? I would be Jesse Owens. It was fun trying to find Fonz and getting ready for the marathon. I guess I'll have to keep my Twitter account active for more motivation. Who knows who will be next. October 11th is too soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Possibly seeing members of my fav bands would definitely help motivate me to run again. That, or not getting laid ever.