Make it 11. !!!!
The first hand I get I find 44 in middle position. I posted $2. I flop a set and take someone for only $35 or so. About 10 minutes later I find 44 again and flop another set. Sick start.
A few hours later, I raise in early position with JJ. I get 5 callers!? While everyone is calling, I'm getting mad. I'm talking out loud about how everyone should call because I only raise once an hour. It was stupid. The flop came 10 high. I bet $30 and get a call from the cheater who tried to take money off the table. The turn is a J. I bet again, this time $55. He folds, showing 8s 9c. HA. So stupid. I show the set so everyone knows not to fuck with me.
I find AA in early position and make it $15. I get two callers, one from the cheater. The flop is Q high. He bets out $20 and I make it $60. The turn brings another Q. Brutal. Especially because he immediately moves in for his last $114. I tank. I really try to get some info from him about the strength of his hand. This is a skill I have yet to master. The cheater looks too relaxed, smiling, laughing, hitting the table, so I lay it down.
Another hand involved JJ. I had JJ and called a raise from the guy to my immediate right. He was in for at least 1k. He kept rebuying and donking it right back. So, he raises to $7. I call and so do a couple others. The flop comes 3s kh 3c. He fires out $15. I make the call and everyone else folds. The turn and river are both rags. Turn is a 4. River is a 6. On the turn, he bets out $20. I call it again. On the river he bets out $50. I tank. I know this guy is a lunatic but he could easily have KQ. So easily. So I tank and eventually make the call. He shows 55. Everyone says good call, including him.
A good 5 day week. I continue the streak into next week. We'll see how long it can go.