
!!! (UPDATE) College Football is the BEST!!! Weee (UPDATE) !!!

Great read here from Yahoo! Sports writer Dan Wetzel.
It goes well with this article.

Check out this sweet graph (plus commentary) that helps us figure out why teams are ranked in their position.

I thought we could compare this chart to some other sports and see how the BCS really is superior.

For instance, in the 2009 NCAA Tournament (pictured below) the team that wound up being the champion was the one won one the tournament.  I know it seems amateur, but the people over in basketball think it's wise to have a team win on the court !!! in a tournament !!!  I'm seriously laughing out loud at how stupid this idea is.  I mean when you think about it, it really is stupid to play the games on the court.  Just think how much better College Basketball would be if there was no tournament.  Oh man, I can't wait for the day when this tournament no longer exists and we can have a basketball BCS.  That will really be a good day for the sports world.

 Here is another one that I think you might find ridiculous....


Let's be honest.  The BCS clearly has the best system.  A system based on playing games on the field is laughable.  The computers know best.  They definitely can predict who the best teams are, even if they have never played each other.  Putting those teams against each other would be a mistake because that way, we wouldn't need the computers!!! And we all know that computers are very important in life.  So, based on this logic, the actual game of football is not the best way to figure it out.  One of the best things in college football is the bowl games.  You cannot forfeit those in order to have a champion.  It would be much too big of a sacrifice to drop the bowl games in order to have a real champion! HA!  Removing bowl games in order to have a champion!  That would be really stupid.  So, no one complain about this system.  After all, it is based on the computers!!! OOOooooo


Deserving Sports Fans

I read a blog on Yahoo! about Green Bay Packers fans and how they didn't deserve to lose to Brett Favre twice.  The post goes into really no detail about why they did or did not deserve to lose to Favre twice.  He does say, though, some things....

"Most of us will never see our hero, arguably the best player in the history of our franchise, come back in the colors of our arch-rival and then destroy us, cementing the fact that his new football team is now clearly better than his old one."

This might be true.  But what other things will most of us never see?  Let's see.  The Detroit Lions, from 2007-09 lost 19 games in a row.  Not many cities get this privilege.  The Pittsburgh Pirates currently hold the record for most consecutive losing seasons at 17.  This record is ongoing and I don't see an end in sight.  Most fans won't see this happen, either.  So, who really cares what most of us will ever see.  In sports, anything can happen.

"Karma failed us. After everything that's happened, all the breathless media reports, all the spin, all the lies, all the hurt feelings ... Brett Favre gets to come out on top, both times? This time, in your own front yard? That is not right. That is not just."

Karma does not care about Packers fans or Vikings fans or Yankees fans.  Justice and karma and 'things working out right' don't exist, especially not in sports.  There is no justice in sports.  There is just sports.  Karma doesn't help out a franchise.  Things just happen.

"I guess "deserve" is a concept that doesn't apply here, though. Things happened the way they did because Minnesota has a better football team. They have a better defense and a better running attack. In this case, that means they win. It sucks, but that's how it works."

This last quote negates the entire article.  If only the author would have come to this realization at the beginning of the article, he could have stopped writing.  He finally understands.  The Red Sox were never cursed.  They had inferior teams.  The Cubs are not cursed.  They might be a bit unlucky.  But overall, they have not had the best team.  In sports, justice, fairness, karma, 'getting what's yours' and whatever else do not exist.  The best team usually wins, no matter the colors on the uniform.

Nightmarish Happenings

I played for 30 minutes today and went set under set for my stack.  In three sessions, about 5 hours, I had a net gain of $206.