
Totally Super Uninteresting Post: Young People and Old People

The point I want to get across in this post is that the actions, attitudes, and things we think about are closely related to our age group.  Let me explain.  (It's entirely possible that by the end of this post, I have found some new truth or idea that I had not previously thought about in preparation to do what I am about to do - which is write this post.)  Here we go.

When I was young, like 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade, I used to think that the things I was doing were so much cooler than the things the grade below me were doing.  I had 3 younger brothers, so I always knew what those younger kids were up to.  I remember doing those patty cake sort of games in one grade and then as I moved to the next... I was too cool for that so I would do something really rad like play hop scotch.  Here is where I think it gets interesting (finally).  While I had moved on to other, cooler things, I realized that the kids who were in the grade that I had previously been in were doing the exact things I thought were once so cool and now so lame.  It seems to go this way for pretty much all age groups.  Second graders do this thing until they move to third grade where they do this other much cooler thing.  Meanwhile, the second graders who were just previously in first grade are now doing the exact thing I was doing that I now find stupid.  I am amazed to hear from teacher friends about the things these little kids are doing.  They are the exact same thing I was doing at that age.  But I never taught them those little kid things.  And I'm pretty confident no one else did either.  How do they come to learn about these things?  They are somehow passed down but I'm not sure of the channel in which they move.

Now how about old people?  I always hear from my peers about how they will never be like an old person.  You know about that old person smell?  Or the style of clothing that old people wear.  They seem to always wear just about the same thing, no matter who it is or where they come from.  This last week, I was running a store from the center of a show called "Living and Giving."  It took place on the 14h floor of the Merchandise Mart.  It was the type of show that lots of small business owners attend to try and buy the next big thing for their hometown store.  What I discovered durning the course of the 7 day show was that old people do the same things just like children do.  AND I would venture to guess that, even though we tell ourselves that there is no way we're going to dress like old people and act like old people, it is inevitable.  It is simply the way of the world.  Get ready.